Simple Cook Delicious [Herbal Medicinal Recipe] Sweet Dried White Wood Ear Mushrooms and Snow Pears in Sugar Water For Even-toned Skin

Cook, Eat and Repeat.

[Herbal Medicinal Recipe] Sweet Dried White Wood Ear Mushrooms and Snow Pears in Sugar Water For Even-toned Skin.

[Herbal Medicinal Recipe] Sweet Dried White Wood Ear Mushrooms and Snow Pears in Sugar Water For Even-toned Skin To cook [Herbal Medicinal Recipe] Sweet Dried White Wood Ear Mushrooms and Snow Pears in Sugar Water For Even-toned Skin you need 10 ingredients and just 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.


  1. Prepare of Green peas (dried).
  2. It's of White wood ear mushrooms (dried).
  3. You need of Hatomugi (Job's tears).
  4. You need of pieces Lotus seeds (dried).
  5. You need of berries Jujube fruit (dried).
  6. It's of Goji berries (dried).
  7. You need of Water.
  8. You need of Rock sugar.
  9. Prepare of wedges worth Asian pear (cut into bite-sized pieces).
  10. You need of Juice from a grated ginger.

[Herbal Medicinal Recipe] Sweet Dried White Wood Ear Mushrooms and Snow Pears in Sugar Water For Even-toned Skin method

  1. Soak the peas in hot water for 3 hours to rehydrate. Stew in just enough water to cover the peas until soft..
  2. Wash the white wood ear mushrooms well, and soak in water for about 30 minutes to re-hydrate them. Drain the water, and remove the stems..
  3. Put the white wood ear mushrooms and water in a pot, bring to a boil and cover with a lid, and stew for about 45 minutes (until it turns a yellowish color and thickens)..
  4. Wash the hatomugi, lotus seeds, and goji berries, drain the water and combine with Step 3, and stew for about 15 minutes. Add more water before stewing, if necessary..
  5. Add the pear, and stew for an additional 10 minutes..
  6. Finally, add the crystal rock sugar and ginger juice, turn off the heat, stir until the crystal rock sugar dissolves in the residual heat, and it is done..
  7. Serve piping hot without letting it get cold, since this is a yakuzen sweet, and that is the traditional and authentic way to eat it..
  8. Since pears are hard to get a hold of in spring and summer, you can substitute it with papaya to make [Dried White Wood Ear Mushrooms "Japanese Quince" Sugar Water]. It has a tropical Macau flavor, and is pretty tasty..