Recipe: Tasty mango banana monkey bread

Cook, Eat and Repeat.

mango banana monkey bread. Toss with chilled cut dough pieces. Evenly disperse into large muffin silicone pans on top of caramel bottoms. Feeding the Maternity monkey watermelon & plum in the rain

mango banana monkey bread It's moist and has a nice crisp, almost caramelized crust. Mango-Banana Bread. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Then it occurred to me, "Why not combine the two?" The result was really delicious and well worth trying. To cook mango banana monkey bread you need 7 ingredients and just 9 steps. Here is how you cook it.


  1. Prepare of Cinnamon.
  2. You need of Sugar.
  3. You need of of butter.
  4. Prepare of cans Biscuits.
  5. Prepare of Brown sugar.
  6. Prepare of med-lrg ripe mango.
  7. Prepare of ripe bananas (the more black there is on bananas the better).

This makes sure the mango pieces stay evenly distributed in the batter. This is my new favourite banana bread. These flavours really do go together exceptionally well. Mangoes are juicier than bananas; a mango puree would add more liquid to the batter, and that would affect the texture of the bread.

mango banana monkey bread directions

  1. preheat oven at 350°.
  2. combine cinnamon and sugar.
  3. peel, seed, and dice mango.
  4. peel bananas and slice into coins then quarter the coins.
  5. cut each biscuit into quarters then roll in sugar/cinnamon mixture.
  6. stack biscuits in pan and incorperate the mangos and bananas through out the biscuit balls.
  7. combine butter and brown sugar. melt the butter a bit to make it easier.
  8. pour butter/brown sugar mixture over biscuits.
  9. bake 30-40 minutes.

Because of the extra liquid, the bread might even have a pudding-like texture and never become really solid; an extra egg might compensate for that. Ripe mango and bananas, chopped walnuts, and vanilla create a flavorful, not-too-sweet dessert (or breakfast) bread. Substituting canola oil for butter lightens it up. Of course despite the name, mango banana bread is really more of a loaf cake than a bread. This mango banana bread recipe is a tropical twist on a classic!