Recipe: Delicious APPLE CRISP

Cook, Eat and Repeat.

APPLE CRISP. Apple crisp is a dessert made with a streusel topping. An apple crumble is a dessert of baked chopped apples topped with rolled oats and brown sugar. In the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, the term 'crumble' refers to both desserts, but in the US the two are distinguished.

APPLE CRISP Cinnamon-spiced apples are baked with a sweet oat crumble topping in this easy apple crisp. I have never had such a delicious apple crisp! I will never search for another recipe! To cook APPLE CRISP you need 8 ingredients and just 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.


  1. It's 1 cup of sugar.
  2. It's 1 cup of FLour.
  3. Prepare 1 tsp of Baking Powder.
  4. You need 1 large of Egg.
  5. It's 14 of lb, butter or margerine.
  6. You need 1 of several type apples (or frui of your choice).
  7. It's 1 of sprinkle cinnamon on top of crumb mixture.
  8. Prepare 1 of bake *375 degrees until top thumps or check in 45 minutes & every 10 min thereafter until done. (should"thump").

I fixed this for my large. When asked to name some favorite desserts, this Classic Apple Crisp baked in a cast-iron skillet with a buttery crumb topping is always at the top of Emeril'. Healthy Apple Crisp topped with a crunchy pecan oat topping and naturally sweetened with pure maple syrup. A great way to use up extra apples!

APPLE CRISP step by step

  1. cut apples or other fruit as for pie.
  2. make crumb mixture by mixng flour, sugar baking powder with egg. to form crumhs. Sprinkle on top of cut fruit covering as much as possible. SAVE 1 CUP OF THIS FOR CRUMB TOPPING ON TOP OF BATTER. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of crumbs. melt butter or margerine & pour over top of crumbs (batter).
  3. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of crumb mixture------rumb mixture is made by mixing flour, sugar,baking powder & egg together to form crumbs which you sprinkle over fruit--.

This crispy confection is reason enough to go apple picking. Celebrate the best flavors of fall when you combine apples with sugars and spices for an out-of-this-world recipe. This vegan apple crisp is totally divine served warm with vegan cream or vegan vanilla ice cream. It's deliciously flavorful and perfect for the holidays. So first I made vegan apple cake and then I made.